A Chopin discovery!

As someone who's just beginning to play the piano, this news of discovering another Chopin composition is thrilling to me. I'm troubled when people say they like classical music because it's relaxing. There's some truth to it. Perhaps such people have only listened to some version of classical music which can be described as soporifics, the kind of sounds one can listen to before a restful sleep. These are the portions that also tend to be the more popular ones. But, to me, the best parts of classical music are the difficult parts, which stimulate and captivate and even trouble me. I am in awe of the difficulty of those pieces.  

I can only dream of playing something like a Chopin waltz one day, but I'm just happy I can read notes a little bit faster now and can play some church hymns, albeit with some difficulty. The piece I'm currently practicing on is Holy, Holy, Holy composed by Reginald Heber (1826) and appears in my second-hand copy of Hymns for the Christian Life

Read the entire article and listen to the Chopin waltz played by Lang Lang here.


  1. isn't it exciting? right after the unknown Mozart chamber piece! i'm watching a lot of Ben Laude's Chopin videos which he's been putting out one after the other recently.

  2. I'll go look Ben Laude up! Thank you for the heads up.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. please do even if they're really for Chopin nerds. I'm not really one, but I still enjoy them, and you may enjoy them better since you at least play the piano. Laude plays the newly discovered piece better than Lang-lang, imo


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