Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower and Jamil Jan Kochai's the Haunting of Hajji Kotak

A great year for reading so far. 

Jamil Jan Kochai's The Haunting of Hajji Kotak and Other Stories was a treat. It's a powerful but tender writing about men and women in Afghanistan. He's brilliant.

After church, I finished Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the Sower. A young lady organizes a community built along her theology called Earthseed. The novel is set in a dystopic United States. Now I need to read something lighter. What do you recommend?



As you may have noticed, I'm having fun with Hipstamatic. The photos, filtered and made to look like they were taken by an analog camera, remind me of the good old days of the internet, when everything seemed safe and everyone had a quiet space in the web. 


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