Welcoming 2024
We welcomed the New Year the same way we've always done it: quietly, in bed, half-asleep while the neighborhood enjoyed the fireworks, firecrackers, and trumpets.
We joined the Ebeos and Taburnals—our sister-in-law Hannah's side of the family—for dinner. A tent was pitched in the middle of their family compound in Bo. 8. Children played in parlor games and got gifts. The food was delicious. Manong and I drove home. On our way, we saw vehicles crowding along the high way. People were doing last minute purchases of palupok.
We slept through it. Paul stayed in Manong's room, traumatized by the noise. But we all woke up early, I the earliest. I had my quiet time, where I started my Bible Reading Plan recommended by Tim Challies and downloaded The Reader's Companion written by Mark Roberts.
The goal of The Reader’s Companion is to assist you in regularly studying the Bible. The Companion does this by making the Scriptures more understandable. Being able to “get it,” to comprehend the Scriptures, is of enormous value to every disciple. First, reading with understanding is essential if we are to live out what we read. The Bible’s goal is not simply to give us knowledge but instead to transform how we live (James 1:22). This is not possible if we do not first understand what is going on in the text, what it means, or what is being said. Secondly, when we understand the Scriptures, we are reading we are changed by them and that gives us incentive to continue and read more. All of us need self-discipline when it comes to Bible reading. Much vies for our time and attention today. With The Five Day Bible Reading Schedule you only need to read one chapter a day to complete the entire New Testament this year. If you add to that reading about four to five chapters a day in the Old Testament you can complete the entire Bible in a year. Reading all those chapters will require the self-discipline to put aside other matters and read God’s word. Yet when we see in our own lives the work of God through His word we are encouraged to keep it up and to do even more. In short, nothing succeeds like success, and when you have had success reading the Bible because you are understanding it you will want to read more.
This morning I read and meditated on Genesis 1-2; Psalm 19; Mark 1. To make Bible reading enjoyable, I made a fresh cup of coffee and typed my prayers and meditations on actual paper using an actual typewriter. I plan to do that for the rest of the year. I will rotate my typewriters monthly. For January, I'll be using the Underwood 1949. For February, it might be the Erika Weinrich.
It's a quiet morning. We had breakfast in the porch. We're spending the rest of the day in Banga, in my aunt's house by the river. Auntie Cecil called, "Madayon kita? Kay kung madayon, mangdakop na kami sang native nga manok."
After breakfast, I did some light reading, catching up on old printed copies of The New Yorker. Rivka Galchen's Subtle Revolution, which is about multiple sclerosis, was an enjoyable read. She featured the work of Dr. Saud Sadiq, director and chief research scientist of the Tisch Multiple Sclerosis Research Center of New York. I like how Sadiq describes himself as a "very boring-in general guy" and "just an old man working."

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