Under new labels
Did some spring cleaning here and re-organized the major labels.
- Books/Reading: My latest reads, book recommendations, and thoughts on the writing life.
- Blogging: In which I share my latest CSS tweaks and general thoughts about blogs, which, according to many, are dying. I disagree.
- Daily: The daily grind. Also known as the "wastebasket" category, in which I clump posts that I can't otherwise categorize.
- Faith: On Christianity, theology, and spirituality.
- Film/Music: On movies, TV shows, and music.
- Medicine: All things medical. My own experiences and reflections on internal medicine and oncology. Might also contain slide sets and links to journal articles — so it's easy for me to keep track.
- Pens: Fountain pens, pencils, paper, and notebooks.
- Travel: In which I share stories about where I've gone.
- Typewriter: I love typewriters. They don't make them anymore.
Removed photography and journals because I clumped them under Daily. Watching+listening is now under Films/Music. I removed links entirely.
Because this post is about my tweaks in this blog, it's categorized under Blogging.
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