Photos from Western Visayas


Nanay is on a two-week tour of Western Visayas with her friends. Her phone is connected to my Flickr account. All her photos get uploaded to a private storage, a concept she has not fully grasped yet, because she always reacts with surprise when I know where she had gone. Nanay is not the most talented photographer, as you can see in this photo of her best friend and soul-sister, Auntie Cecil posing in front of Kabankalan City Hall. 

These are the better ones. I don't know where these were taken exactly, but Flickr has a geolocation feature, so I can make an intelligence guess. 

Somewhere in Kabakalan, where they enjoyed sea food. 



Somewhere in Matabang, Talisay—maybe a corner in the Ruins? Here's a typewriter. 


This is somewhere in Boracay, perhaps? 


They're enjoying the trip. Praise God!


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