Adding to the unfinished pile of books


Reading Martin Amis these days, starting with his non-fiction works. He's a terrific essayist. Dwight Garner and Jason Zinoman, along with host Gilbert Cruz, talked about him with fondness and admiration that I just had to discover his writing myself. This adds to my list of books I'm currently finishing, along with Alice Munro's A Wilderness Station, David Sedaris's Festival of Snackery, Thoreau's journals, Mary Oliver's Upstream, and the poetry collections in between. What I didn't include: Harper's Biochemistry, Lippincott's Biochemistry, and Albert's Molecular Biology of the Cell. Also: Thomas Constable's commentary of Revelation and Tim Keller's book on suffering (which I'm rereading). There's no virtue in reading for me; I like doing it.


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