Bear witness

Intersection - Judge Alba Street and Alunan Avenue

I've been using The Advent Project of Biola University as my devotional for November and December. I learned about it through Paradox Uganda. The project draws from Scripture and supplements each passage with a music, a painting/graphic art, a short meditation, and a prayer. These artistic meditations, posted daily, stir the imagination and prepare the heart for Christmas. For December 22, the Scripture passage is Matthew 2:9-11.

And behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him.

William Carlos Williams's poem, The Gift, and Mercedes Dorame's sculptural "star map" (Orion’s Belt—Paahe’ Sheshiiyot) are also featured.

Professor Luke Alecson writes:

The Magi provide a map of sorts of all of us to follow. Our role is a humble one. As much as we study, as much wisdom and knowledge as we gain, in the end we will understand exceedingly little of the infinite glory of the Lord. We will not full grasp the mystery of the incarnation. Whether wise man or shepherd, our role is simple: to bear witness to the glory we have been pointed toward, and to fall down at the feet of Him to brought us there. What else are we here to do? As William Carlos Williams so succinctly surmises:

All men by their nature give praise.
It is all
they can do.

Let’s keep it as simple as that, following wherever He leads and worshiping with everything we have.
I struggle with focusing on the central message of Christmas as I think of the logistics of the celebration: family dinners, meet ups with friends, and some demands from work. But the December 22nd meditation offers a timely reminder. 


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