
Showing posts from 2022


Audrey Assad's music

Read your Bible, and pray every day

Sing we the song of Emmanuel

Not a groan, but a song

The right word

With Ted Chiang for the holidays

We crave for Your return

Coastal roads

Carlos in Paris

Do you think I am saved?

Bear witness

"You know not how soon you must die, and therefore had need to be always ready"

Yiyun Li's Where Reasons End

Sailor Shikiori Sakura-mori

Examination of the abdomen: slide set


Bordered Lives No More

Radio silence

A step in the right direction

Singing and dancing

Paul, one year old

Read then write

Dr. Joti Tabula and Dr. Luis Gatmaitan

Open forum with Gideon Lasco

This Sunday

Solferino Station, Paris Métro

Performative cruelty

Grave, stayed, and solid

Berry, New South Wales

Meditating on death


It is no good to explain

Whose gift it is that I exist

Gideon Lasco's The Philippines Is Not a Small Country" and Will Liangco's "Even Ducks Get Liver Cancer"

Auntie Nanic

Stop stair-ing at me!

Saturday reading

Writing and surgery


How to write a research proposal

Where smart people wash their clothes

Congratulations to the CNF workshop fellows for 2022

Pas mal


Guide to mental status examination

Homecooked meals

P's wake

San Francisco, Camotes Island, Cebu

Brief life update

Radio interview and a classmate's death

Those who work much do not work hard

Moving out

Saved from other saviors

He who teaches learns

Flowers in Surallah

National Heroes Day

Gentle and lowly

Ministers of the Word


Forty days

Reflections at 4 am

A beatific smile on his face

Currently reading: Kate Atkinson's Behind the Scenes at the Museum

Bursting in tears

The rain began to leak into my soul

Paul makes a wise choice

A day in contrast