A productive trip

Orchids from Lamba, Banga town, South Cotabato, Philippines
Orchids from Lamba, Banga town, South Cotabato, Philippines

Uncle Glenn, Auntie Net's husband, invited my mother to visit his relatives in Lamba, a few minutes away from Banga town proper. The purpose of the trip was plant viewing. The underlying motive was to ask this relative if he would be willing to give some of his plants. The rarer, the better. A seaman contemplating retirement, Uncle Glenn has grown to enjoy domestic life. Gardening is his newfound passion. "Variegated" is now a household term. When he drives, he slows down, looks out the window, and appreciates the Pothos clinging on to old trees that were once ignored. They had a productive trip. My mother came back with pots of orchids. Such is the beauty of God's creation!


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