Beautiful mid-Autumn day

Neil Gaiman updates his blog.
It's a beautiful day in mid-Autumn on Skye and I'm not sure where the year went. This house came with an enormous walled meadow, which my neighbours use to keep their sheep in, and an ancient orchard. About seven years ago the orchard was flooded, and we lost all the redcurrants and gooseberries and rhubarb and such, but most of the trees survived, and there are apples and plums and pears still growing on them.
He uses Blogger, "which these days is a lot like blogging with a charred stick and a hank of bearskin."

I use Blogger!


  1. Hey, c'mon, Neil! What's the latest trending blogging site nowadays? Wordpress? Medium? It's the same as Blogger. They're all the same, whatever it may be.


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