The upright man

I read Thomas Watson's The Character of an Upright Man. I love Thomas Watson and the Puritans in general. I turn to their writings if this world's air becomes too toxic. Their works offer a glimpse of heaven. There are some of my book highlights.

The upright man is no adorer of public opinion. (location 45)

This is the question the upright man propounds to himself, "Will this bring glory to God?" He labors still to bring in some revenues into the treasury of heaven. He prefers the glory of God before whatever comes in competition with, or stands in opposition against it. If life is laid in one balance, and God's glory in the other--the glory of God outweighs. (loc. 86)

An upright Christian, though he fails in every duty, yet he makes conscience of every duty. (loc. 110)

The upright Christian does not whirl about, or sinfully prostitute himself to the lusts and desires of men. (loc. 121)

True grace ennobles the heart, dilates the affections, and carries out a man beyond the sphere of his private concernments, making him mind the church's condition as his own. (loc. 175)

He also quotes Augustine when he writes that the upright man has peace with his conscience.

He has peace with his conscience. 1 John 5:10, "He who believes has the witness in himself." his end must needs be peace--who has a smiling God, and a smiling conscience. Augustine calls it, "the paradise of a good conscience." A godly man is in this paradise before he dies.


  1. I found this book, qnd read it today. It was definitely a much needed read for me. Good to see your post.


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