Journal of a Lockdown No. 38

Manong and I have breakfast and coffee. I read All Things for Good by Thomas Watson, as recommended by Tim Challies, in the morning. It is a balm to the soul. I have derived much blessing and encouragement from manuscripts of old. I love the Puritans. This is the first book of Thomas Watson I have ever read. Why have I only discovered him now? He writes beautifully. His words, derived from and formed by rigorous study of God's counsel in Scripture, are balms to my personal worries and pains.
Take some time off social media and read his book (free PDF from Monergism). I have highlights in most pages in my Kindle.
I'm sharing some of them for your encouragement.
He who loves God and is called according to His purpose, may rest assured that every thing in the world shall be for his good. This is a Christian's cordial, which may warm him—make him like Jonathan who, when he had tasted the honey at the end of the rod, "his eyes were enlightened" (I Sam xiv. 27). Why should a Christian destroy himself? Why should he kill himself with care, when all things shall sweetly concur, yea, conspire for his good? The rest of the text is this. All the various dealings of God with His children, do by a special providence turn to their good. "All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such keep his covenant (Psalm xxv. 10). If every path has mercy in it, then it works for good."
How is a weak Christian able, not only to endure affliction, but to rejoice in it? He is upheld by the arms of the Almighty.
The goodness of God is a spiritual sunbeam to melt the heart into tears. Oh, says the soul, has God been so good to me? Has He reprieved me so long from hell, and shall I grieve His Spirit any more? Shall I sin against goodness?
The goodness of God works for good, as it ushers in all blessings. The favors we receive, are the silver streams which flow from the fountain of God's goodness.
Image from Wikipedia
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