
When we bid our goodbyes yesterday on our final class for the semester, I felt a tinge of separation anxiety which, I confessed to a friend, was so unlike me. But that class was the penultimate master’s class meeting for my degree (Master in Clinical Medicine, if you’re curious). While it looked like an ordinary Friday afternoon—with Fred and I nodding to each other so we could rush to the LRT to avoid the paralyzing Metro Manila rush hour—it was, forgive the cliché, the beginning of the end.

I like to think that I’ve had a good run in Medical Oncology training. I’ve been blessed beyond measure. The Lord has proven Himself faithful and true to His word. He has given me so much more that I deserve. I consider the past two years the hardest moments of my life, but these were also the most fruitful.

I suppose I shouldn’t brush away these healthy feelings of gradual loss. It is painful to let go of things dear to one’s heart, especially to my constant company of rowdy, supportive, humble, inspiring, and brilliant colleagues-turned-friends.

*  *  *

I'm sharing some photos of us, taken by Raj.

Freddie, Kmomsh, Rech, myself, and Raj during lunch breaks at the European Society of Medical Oncology preceptorships. Freddie, Kmosh, and Rech attended the Gastrointestinal Preceptorship, while Raj and I were in the Immuno-Oncology session.

Photos taken by Roger

We helped one another set up our posters at ESMO Asia—a constant theme of our existence. Helping out one another, seeking the good of the other, even at one's inconvenience or expense. Raj would later win the award as Best Poster in the lung cancer category.

Photos taken by Roger

Our natural facial oils and Singapore's Gardens By the Bay. Raj insisted on a selfie.

Photos taken by Roger

Besties Raj and Freddie, reconnecting under the fake tree.

Photos taken by Roger


Photos taken by Roger

Ni hao, Rech!


Freddie delivering an excellent presentation of his team's randomized controlled trial.



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