Whisperings and impulses to sin

In The Doctrine of Regeneration, Stephen Charnock argues that man cannot do anything to save himself.

Adam had the greatest advantages human nature, in a natural way, was capable of; he was created with a fullness of reason. But how long do we converse with sense, which fastens upon temptations before we come to a use of reason! After we are come to some smatterings of reason, and a growth in it, as we think, what whisperings and impulses to sin do we feel! What an easiness to embrace incentives, a deafness to contrary admonitions! What languishing, velleities, and palsy desires at best, for that which is good; a might most and darkness upon our understandings, irresolution in our wills? How can we with all these fetters be able of ourselves to put into a better state, and act against nature, which is impossible any creature can do but by a superior power!


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