
Joseph Pascual is a favorite photographer. His Flickr collection, Quiapo Crowds, feels so alive. He is able to bring out the colors, grime, and humidity of old Manila.

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I pass by Quiapo when I travel from Manila to Quezon City. I know the place because of the optical shops where one can get frames cheaply. In first year med school, we interviewed vendors for a class called Medical Anthropology, where we were offered herbs and candles for almost any type of ailment. Concoctions for abortion, for increasing sexual performance, and for growing taller were also popular.


  1. I've gone to Acebedo in Paterno St. for my Nikon lenses (I think it was the only shop that offered the lens I liked). Do you have a shop recommendation?

  2. None in particular. The thrill of going there is visiting the optical shops and checking which has the best deals.


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