Another death

I receive news that Papa Eddie, my uncle from Tatay's side, has died. Colon cancer. He already had liver metastases when he was diagnosed just a few months back.

February 28 was the last time I saw him alive, in a hospital in General Santos, where he was confined because he felt weak. He wasn't eating and did not feel like it. Hours before my flight back to Manila, I told him to keep strong, to trust in the Lord, and to hold on so he could see me become a cancer specialist. I told him I'd be delighted to care for him when I'm done. Days later I would receive the news that his cancer had progressed, the nodes in the liver had enlarged, and a new chemotherapeutic regimen would be started. Papa refused any more treatment. Perhaps he just wanted to rest or be done with chemotherapy and all of its side effects once and for all. He knew what he was up against.

He used to get me notebooks for school. I will miss him.


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