I like sports, so I read books

Barnabas Piper has listed books on sports, mostly biographies, available for Kindle.

I'm going to read Boys Among Men: How the Prep-to-Pro Generation Redefined the NBA and Sparked a Basketball Revolution by Jonathan Adams.

Moneyball by Michael Lewis seems interesting, too.

I've been looking to read about basketball in order to understand it better. I imagine it would help me relate more to my athletic Bible study group during our Thursday meetings.

I like reading about sports and sportsmen. I treated myself to David Remnick's King of the World, which was about Muhammad Ali, right after my pre-residency in Internal Medicine. I didn't understand boxing—why not read about it? Tim Tebow's autobiography, Through My Eyes, was also a treat. To understand some of friends' fascination with surfing, I read William Finnegan's Barbarian Days, which was an intimate account of a man who drawn to the sea.

King of the World by David Remnick

Any books on sports you can recommend?


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