
Showing posts from 2018

Miniso unlined notebooks and fountain pen knobs


Birds and bees at home

Happy birthday, Roger and Fred!

My Reading Year 2018

Christmas celebration 2018

Liw's Reading Year 2018

The role of novels in society

Manong Ralph's Reading Year 2018

Kuya John's Reading Year 2018


A year since finishing residency

Where King Arthur is called Wart

Some say apples are better than coffee

You're All To Us

Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Sacdalan!

Just in case you're wondering what to give me for Christmas

The innocence of childhood friendships

A nature changed

Neapolitana novels -- complete!

After the closing song

Second years na!


Christian theology is not too big on self-esteem

In defense of light reading (and watching Netflix)

Poster at 7/F elevator proves existence of hospital grammar police.

Internet frustrations

Where can I get one?

A favorite hang out place

Death at 26

Morning routine

Mr and Mrs Ferrolino

Looking back

Meditation on God's love

We're now the Philippine Cancer Center

Birthday poetry

The world's hatred


Pakô salad


Books that fit in one's hand

November adventures

Less is not more

Superlative blessedness

Love is quickest to detect failures

Don't worry about inspiration

Ramen weather

Keeping God's Word

The best of two worlds

Old Office Building, Manila

I found Book 2 for 50 pesos!

Where are the great minds?

Art at Bahay ng Alumni