Ten thousand snares

Something to encourage you this week. I love the Puritans!
Ten thousand snares are mine without and within,
defend thou me; 
When sloth and indolence seize me,
give me views of heaven; 
When sinners entice me,
give me disrelish of their ways; 
When sensual pleasures tempt me,
purify and refine me; 
When I desire worldly possessions,
help me to be rich toward thee; 
When the vanities of the world ensnare me,
let me not plunge into new guilt and ruin. 
May I remember the dignity of my spiritual release,
never be too busy to attend to my soul,
never be so engrossed with time
that I neglect the things of eternity;
thus may I not only live, but grow towards thee.

—Excerpt from the "A Christian's Prayer," In: Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayer, compiled by Arthur G. Bennett


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