13 years and a new layout

You’ll notice that I’ve changed the blog’s layout once more, the nth time I’ve done something like this.* I still like the last one, a Wordpress-inspired theme of one of my favorite blogs, but trying something new, I thought, wouldn’t hurt. So here it is. Bold colors; no overarching header image; friendly serif font for the text; sans-serif, italics, for the blockquotes (which I’ve been using a lot); single column; small, drop down header; easy navigation. I hope you like it as much as I do.

Last week I was asked to deliver a ten-minute talk on blogging during one of our lunch conferences. Instead of the usual journal appraisal, which has been enlightening and entertaining, in a geeky kind of way—words I’d use to describe our Adult Medicine mentors, too—Dr. Tony Dans spoke on effective presentations. He lives by the tips he told us—if you can’t make it simple enough, you don’t understand the topic enough.

Under the limelight, I told them that my blog is now older than most children (it’s 13 years old!); that it used to be a way to tell friends I’m still alive; that it has evolved to become a medium for me to write about Christianity, literature, medicine, and friends/family; and that throughout these years, I’ve had a few memorable experiences.

Thanks for sticking it out with me.

My blogging resolution no. 6 reads, "Resolved, to resist the urge of frequently redesigning and reorganizing my blog, at the expense of doing more important things."


  1. Have to say I find it too Web 2.0 which, in my dictionary, means too much white space and too big a leading between lines of text. I think the year is also omitted in the comments. In other websites, it means much less information than before, many empty pages and difficulty in navigating.
    Congrats on the 13 years! Here's to 13 more! :D

    Your faithful reader and commenter

    1. Thank you! It's friends like you who make writing here worthwhile.

      It's very Web 2.0, indeed.


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