God gives us more than what we need

Give us this day our daily bread is a familiar phrase, part of the Lord’s Prayer we’ve memorized since the time it was taught to us in school. As with many words and phrases that we’ve gotten very familiar with, its meaning has been lost to us, hidden behind callous repetitions or distant liturgical practices.

We discussed this passage during our Thursday cell group. “Daily bread” means our daily physical needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing. Why we have to pray that God grant them to us daily is another matter. Why has God designed His appropriation of His blessings to us that way? Why doesn't He give us all His blessings all at once?

We recall the manna, the food He showered from Heaven as God's chosen people, the Jews, made their long journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. They had to collect it daily. Storing the food for prolonged periods led to spoilage. The food was meant to last for a day, and never more. This daily anticipation of God's provisions reminded the people that they must trust in Him. Their lack of food security tested their faith. Did they believe in God enough to trust that He would provide?

The same principle applies to us. But even I myself forget to thank God for the food I eat—sure, I mumble a quick prayer just to get over the ritual of saying grace, but I hardly ever mean it. My food comes and goes, but I often fail to consider that the reason why I don't suffer hunger pangs is God's goodness in providing for my breakfast, lunch, dinner—and many snacks in between. I also fail to thank God for the roof He provides over my head, whether that roof is my quiet dorm room, my freezing call room, or my busy hospital ward.

There are so many things to be thankful for indeed. Praise be to God for providing for our daily bread even if we forget to ask. We are given more than what we deserve. To say that God is an able provider is a gross understatement. He knows just what we need, and He gives us more.


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