I'M AT A POINT in my life when there are too many things happening all at once that I hardly have the words to write about them. Maybe that part of me has changed after ten years of blogging: the part that wants me to write everything down and share it with the world. I feel that there's already too much noise going on over the Web, and that I'd rather spend my time reviewing for the Board Exam.
I haven't written about my 27th birthday on April 22 and how I spent it alone, the perfect way to spend birthdays, in my opinion. I haven't written about what I did after the abrupt, albeit expected, end of Internship, something that left a huge hole in my daily schedule. I haven't written about my mother on Mothers Day and how thankful I am for her and for the other important women in my life, family and friends included. I haven't written about my new favorite movie, The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet, and how, after the film, I longed to have a dog of my own. I will name the dog Tapioca, and he's going to be depressed, too, like the Tapioca I saw in the movie.
Well, Dear Reader, thanks for sticking around anyway.
I haven't written about my 27th birthday on April 22 and how I spent it alone, the perfect way to spend birthdays, in my opinion. I haven't written about what I did after the abrupt, albeit expected, end of Internship, something that left a huge hole in my daily schedule. I haven't written about my mother on Mothers Day and how thankful I am for her and for the other important women in my life, family and friends included. I haven't written about my new favorite movie, The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet, and how, after the film, I longed to have a dog of my own. I will name the dog Tapioca, and he's going to be depressed, too, like the Tapioca I saw in the movie.
Well, Dear Reader, thanks for sticking around anyway.
I, for one, will wait until you have the urge to write. God bless your review!