Swamped with material

SO MANY good books, so little time.

I borrowed my brother's Kindle. He's leaving for vacation this weekend and, intent of getting as much of the sun instead of burrowing himself in a book, lent me his reading device for the meantime.

Reading on a Kindle has been fun so far. I'm liking the e-ink technology; it doesn't put too much strain on my eyes as, say, a regular computer screen or an iPad. It does take some getting used to, but I'm past that stage now.

As soon as I got hold of the Kindle I read Lit! A Christian Guide to Reading Books by Tony Reinke. I finished it in one day. Life-changing, that book, and I should write about it soon, if only to urge everyone, readers and non-readers alike, to get hold of a copy. Reinke discusses the theology of reading, how it should be done to know more of Christ and appreciate Him in literature, along with priceless tips on highlighting, note-taking, and how to decide on which books to read and avoid. My brother's copy was given to him by Sally, our favorite lawyer in Toronto. So thanks, Sally. I've benefited from your gift indirectly!

Suddenly I'm swamped with too much reading material. I hope I can finish all of them before internship begins. Here's my summer reading list; the books are not arranged in any order:

1. Counterfeit Gods by Tim Keller (currently reading)
2. The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge by Maria Rainer Rilke (currently reading)
3. The Good Soldier by Ford Madox Ford
4. Death In Holy Orders by P.D. James
5. Jeeves In The Offing by P.G. Wodehouse
6. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Note that most of it is fiction. No. 2 is too depressing, so I have to balance that with something funny (No. 5). Haven't read a mystery novel in a long time, and Reinke recommended P.D. James, so I plan to read No. 4. One blogger recommended No. 3, and I got mine for free at Project Gutenberg. I'm ashamed to say that I haven't read No. 6 yet, supposedly one of the best books of the century—and to think there's already a film about to be shown! Because it gets freakishly hot in the afternoons, can you recommend a novel/short story collection with lots of snow in it? (I should've reserved Snowdrops for the summer.)

I'll update you as to how my binge-reading spree is going.


  1. A Kindle is a great addition to have, especially for loading various books, or when you're in tipid mode to buy hard copies. (assuming you have one already)

    Enjoy your summer reading! Mukhang makakarami ka ah! And I'd love to get my hands on "Lit!"

    1. Roughly 13 days na lang before internship starts, so kelangang makarami.


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