
WHILE ROAMING KCC Mall to beat the afternoon heat I visited Booksale on the second floor, one of my favorite tambayans.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I found these.

Newest acquisitions from Booksale, KCC Mall of Marbel

Jasper Fforde's The Eyre Affair for Php 20.

Jasper Fforde's The Eyre Affair (Php 20)

And a hardbound copy of Chang-rae Lee's Aloft for Php 10.

Chang-rae Lee's Aloft (Php 10)

The store was practically giving these treasures away. Without batting an eyelash, to borrow Miriam Santiago's words, I set aside my moratorium for buying new books and handed the saleslady my Php 30. My reading friends will be envious.

Will I have time to read these on top of the many medical books and photocopied reviewers I should be reading for my April exams? How will I carry these with me when I fly back to Manila?

I don't know, and I don't care.

* * *

READ A Weekend of Bargains by Dr. Butch Dalisay.


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