
Showing posts from 2013

Greetings from Koronadal

My Reading Year 2013

She sings in my dreams

Family Day 2013

Confessions by Augustine, translated by Garry Wills: a beautiful rendering of a humble man's prayer

Our Pediatrics rotation in black and white

David McIntyre's The Hidden Life of Prayer: a jewel-strewn tapestry for the serious Christian

Remembering CS Lewis' 50th death anniversary

The only exercise I ever get

Stalking and Dante Alighieri

Julian Barnes' The Lemon Table: stories of the old


Block F at Mak Chang

The Duel and Other Stories, and my serendipitous discovery of a new favorite writer by the name of Anton Chekhov

Anita and Arnold Lobel's On Market Street: a pediatric guide to capitalism


Graham Greene's The Power and the Glory: a priest in hiding

Why kids hate me

Spring cleaning

José Saramago's All the Names: chronicles of a bored stalker

Not everyone reads

I need Thee every hour

We're halfway through Internship year

Alice Munro wins the Nobel, and intermittent updates on her short story collection, Dear Life

ORL (Otorhinolaryngology): October 2-15, 2013

Walk with God

Vignettes No. 1

Graham Greene's The End of the Affair: what you can read after a painful breakup

James Salter's Dusk and Other Stories: the power of a sentence

Yoko Ogawa's The Housekeeper and The Professor: what to love about numbers

William Boyd's Waiting For Sunrise: an actor is a spy

A cursed fridge and a generator that runs on uling

Books for the weekend

John Barlow's Everything But The Squeal: Eating The Whole Hog In Northern Spain. Ahh, where's the crispy pata?

Speak, O Lord

Carwash 2.0


The best teachers

Blast from the past: my column for DormWatch in 2005

Overheard in the elevator

Wired, not wireless

My soul thirsts for You

Isaac Bashevis Singer's The Collected Stories: the wonders of short stories

Cormac McCarthy's All the Pretty Horses: the closest I'll get to being a cowboy is by reading about it.

I played basketball

My reward system consists of films

On a gloomy afternoon

John Banville's The Sea: coping with loss

The things we do in the service of the sick Filipino

The cure is friendship, and how to deal with bullies

Woody Allen's Getting Even: on Mafia and wiretaps

A heart like Bonhoeffer's

High school friendships

On kids, broken bones, and forgiveness

Leo Tolstoy's The Kreutzer Sonata: when a man kills his wife

Say Anything

Thoughts on my first Surgeon-on-Duty (SOD) duty as an intern

Charles Dicken's Great Expectations: the Joes and Herberts of our lives

The price of procrastination

Clingy-ness flourishes in Rehab

Binge eating

Good reads

Ricky Lee's Amapola sa 65 na Kabanata: an aswang's messianic calling to save the Philippines from his/her kind

The Phenomenon of Sleeping in Cinema

Two months

Eric Metaxas' Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy. Read this for encouragement.

New glasses

How to make your OPD Triage post worthwhile


Honoring the details

Who are we without our memories?


Internal Medicine Ward: Weeks 3 and 4 (June 12-25, 2011)

A dog on a leash—and some random thoughts

Sunday mornings

Feedly is a great alternative to Google Reader

Coping mechanism

Afternoon delights

6:30 am

Internal Medicine Ward: Weeks 1 and 2 (May 29 - June 11, 2013)

Wet armpits

Random updates from my Internal Medicine rotation.

29 years

Eating out

The Newsroom

Block Photo 3: Neuro-Psych OPD (May 15-21, 2013)

A new and living Way

Tsundoku and the story of my three new books

About the shrieky teenager who could not steady her hands

Maria Reiner Rilke's The Notebooks of Malte Laurdis Briggs: what your next-door neighbors probably think of you, if you're studying Medicine

Excessive, but of the right kind

It's May 16

Block Photo 2: Neurosurgery (May 8-14, 2013)

The Good German



Things to like in Hannibal