Week 38, 2012: Wall stories

THREE MEDICAL STUDENTS visited our call room one afternoon at Ward 1 to shoot a video. They were doing an ad for a project that aimed to raise money for the renovation of both the clerks' and interns' call room in Internal Medicine—clearly an initiative that could potentially change the course of human history.

They asked me if I could say a few lines; I politely declined, of course. At that moment I realized something: that despite the intolerable heat and humidity, the assailing uremic smell of the bathroom with the broken doorknob, the clutter of empty mineral water bottles, and the non-functioning airconditioning system, I will miss the homey feel of our call room, a place Carlos Cuano appropriately called "our safe haven" (or something to that effect).

If only the walls could talk, they'd you tell how how we vented our frustration that some patients could barely afford a syringe or a red top vial, or how laughed at our cluelessness during the Guazon morning endorsements, or how we panicked because a new patient—potentially Guazon-able at that—had been decked to us 30 minutes before the cut-off.

week 38, 2012: huddle

And the walls are talking. For instance, read how some batches ahead of us expressed their excitement—or was it resignation?—that they were finally in IM. That was how we felt when we first came in.

week 38, 2012: this is it!

Some students just wanted to piss others off. Read the message below at your own risk. (I like the handwriting.)

week 38, 2012: don't read this please

Whoever this Francis is, I'd like to meet him someday. A volunteer morning endorser is just what you need to get through Guazon Hall unscathed. (If you're curious, Dr. Abarquez is one of our most loved cardiology consultants, also the grandfather of our classmate Patrick. Legend has it that he can estimate ejection fractions by feeling the pulse and that he can predict a diagnosis of cholelithiasis through the ECG.)

week 38, 2012: siya na!

Some sketches look great. I don't know if the medical student who made this was doing a portrait of himself—and I hope not, because his patients would have heart attacks.

week 38, 2012: kamatayan

The boy looks depressed and tired, which is what many of us feel on our low days. Thankfully we have the weekend IM Jeopardy quiz bee to look forward to!

week 38, 2012: self-portrait

But soon our IM rotation will be over.  I have mixed feelings about this, but some great moments have to end somehow.

week 38, 2012: the countdown


  1. Thanks for your grateful informations, this blogs will be really help for Medical notes.

  2. lift the mattress sa bunk bed :D the one on top ah! may LEGACY din kami diyan :p hehe! -AA
    PS it's c/o JORAM hahaha

    1. Di ko pa nakikita, Aace, pero susubukan kong hanapin!

  3. The walls can talk AND listen!

    --mostly to profanity aka a study-approved method to increase the threshold for pain (?)

    Hello, Lanf! Guess who hahaha

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