Week 25, 2012: Surgery call room

I like taking candid shots of people who don't realize they're being photographed. Having a portable gadget like the iPod, in my case, makes it easier to do. I still wish I have a proper camera, though: the big ones that weigh heavier than neonates recently pulled out from their mothers' wombs.

While killing time at our call room in Ward Four, I snapped these portraits of Casti, Marv, Bj, and Jegar. I guess my blockmates have come to accept the fact that their lives during clerkship will be documented properly. So those guys had better not mess with me, or their faces during the unholiest hours will be posted here for all the world to see.

week 25, 2012: Casti and Marv

week 25, 2012: Casti week 25, 2012: BJ
week 25, 2012: KFC week 25, 2012: Marv and Jegs
week 25, 2012: BJ week 25, 2012: Jegar asleep


  1. I'm selling my Nikon D5000 :P And yes, it's heavy :P

  2. Hahahaha! When I become a millionaire, I'll give you a DSLR. That's gonna happen in... oh wait! I'm a UP prof. That's never gonna happen, sorry guid. Hahahaha!


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