Week 18, 2012: Adventures in Bukidnon, so far

Stunning view during our hike (more pictures here). You see, taking pictures can be an excuse to stop and catch one's breath during climbs. (Enlarged view.)

week 18, 2012: panorama

Basak Elementary School from a distance. (Enlarged view.)

week 18, 2012: panorama 3

I just read a study that people surrounded by greenery are less likely to get stressed. (Enlarged view.)

week 18, 2012: panorama 2

While I was at The Overview, arguably the highest point in the Davao-Bukidnon highway, I stood in worshipful silence, as I looked all around me and saw the distant mountain ranges, the wide plains, the clouds, with alternating areas of sunshine and rain. The beauty that is Mindanao! Praise be to God for His marvelous creation! Thy works praise Him! (Enlarged view.)

week 18, 2012: Panorama 5: View from The Overview, highest point in Davao-Bukidnon Highway, Quezon, Bukidnon

A regal-looking white horse and the stream—which remind me of a scene from the Lord of the Rings where Arwen commands the river to swallow an entire army like a flashflood.

weel 18, 2012: horse week 18, 2012: crossing the river

This one's closer to home—a stunning piece of architecture by National Artist Leandro Locsin, seen at the Mount of Transfiguration, Malaybalay, Bukidnon. Many thanks to Dr. Susan Punongbayan for taking us here—twice, because I wore shorts (not allowed inside the church, unfortunately) the first time (Enlarged view.)

week 18, 2012: panorama 4: monastery of transfiguration


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