Week 12, 2012: Yellow

week 12, 2012 week 12, 2012
week 12, 2012 week 12, 2012

week 12, 2012 week 12, 2012
week 12, 2012

I wanted to take pictures of yellow things this week because, well, I couldn't think of anything creative. You see, we (Migz Catangui and I) did a case report on neonatal jaundice last Monday. Jaundice is the yellow discoloration of the sclera (in the eyes), the mucosa, or the skin due to the accumulation of a substance called bilirubin. Our impression was congenital hypothyroidism: aside from the serum thryoid hormone levels given, the baby had big tongue (macroglossia), umbilical hernia, was somnolent, and had open fontanelles. The report went well, and we praise God for that. Yellow, yellow—you see the connection now? Clearly I'm not making any sense.


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