Week 11, 2012: Saturday morning

week 11, 2012 week 11, 2012

I may have to call this on-going seven-photo-a-week project "Saturday Mornings" because I take most pictures in that time period, but I shall resist the temptation—at least, for now.

week 11, 2012 week 11, 2012

What about Saturday mornings? I like them because everything seems quiet and still, and given no other engagements, I have all the time in the world to read, meditate, do household chores, and go for long walks in the neighborhood.

week 11, 2012 week 11, 2012

The road traffic I see from my window doesn't look congested, and there is always that hope of a glorious weekend, a welcome respite from the usually stressful moments in the hospital.

week 11, 2012


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