Week 4, 2012: Treks

View from Cambulo River, Cambulo, Ifugao.

week 4, 2012

View from the Batad-to-Cambulo path.

week 4, 2012

View from visitors' registration area in Batad, Banaue.

week 4, 2012

View from the Batad-to-Cambulo path.

week 4, 2012

View of Banaue town center.

week 4, 2012

View from Straddle Point.

week 4, 2012

Collage of pictures at the Cambulo Inn where we stayed.

week 4, 2012

To kill time I used to manually stitch the photos via GIMP. But there's hardly time to kill these days, so imagine my surprise when I chanced upon Autostitch, a no-nonsense, no-brainer Apple app that does the trick—only more seamlessly.

Also, I'm a little bit schmaltzy from this entire experience, mindlessly running through photos posted over Facebook, realizing of course that spontaneous trips are unlikely to happen once clerkship kicks in.

I'm back to being a dweeby, stationary medical student, struggling to overcome the vapid rhythm of flipping through my inch-thick textbooks. And for the regular student like me, this academic exercise is the sure beeline to sleepiness. Ooops, do forgive the adjective overuse.


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