Week 3, 2012: The amazing Pharmacology elective

week 3, 2012

week 3, 2012 week 3, 2012
week 3, 2012 week 3, 2012
week 3, 2012 week 3, 2012

I became more studious these past few weeks. I actually read books and searched PubMed for systematic reviews. It felt weird making and doing real reports again, but there was a lot of learning—and free food. The Pharma elective isn't what I would call breezy, as my classmates would probably refer to their elective choices. While we only meet for one or two hours a day, much of the work is done at home, at our own pace. But it's been a fruitful endeavor. I'm glad to have spent the Pharma elective with my classmate, Carbs, who's really hilarious without intending to be. Clearly the guys are jealous of me. I regret it that I haven't recorded her witticisms since day one.

Today I'm giving my final report on a case of a four year old suffering from epilepsy. Carbs is working on a pediatric case of glomerulonephritis.  By God's grace I hope we get through this. And then . . . it's the long weekend ahead. Thank you, Doctors Casanova, Sio, Tiongco, and Sison for your time and inputs.


  1. Lance! Any tips for me? I'm getting scared of all the Pharma feedback! haha!

    - Meg

    1. It's not as breezy as the other electives, but there's a lot of learning. Pick an easy case. You can make one up, really. The more classical the presentation, the better. The focus isn't so much in the diagnosis but in the management, so don't complicate yourself. Huwag mo nang lagyan ng co-morbids! Be very organized with your report. Make sure you're updated with the clinical practice guidelines, and quote the latest journals, even in your powerpoint. The consultants are really good and pleasant, but they expect you've read comprehensively about the topic. Go, Meg!


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