I dragged
Manong Ralph to the Met Museum today to view Pablo Picasso's The Suite Vollard, a collection of the Spanish artist's etchings between 1930 to 1937. Halfway through the commute (we came from Quezon City), he realized he forgot to bring any money. I intentionally didn't bring any cash so he'd be forced to treat me. Should we go back and get his money? We realized that if we pooled what what left in our wallets, though, we could still eat a quick brunch at a fastfood--nothing fancy--pay for the Php 100 entrance fee each person, and just have enough to pay for an FX ride to QC. But that meant we had to walk all the way from Roxas Boulevard to Taft.
In my brother's words, “One minute my brother and I were at the Metropolitan Museum of Manila marveling at the Pablo Picasso exhibit like the faux intellectuals and pseudo art critics that we are. And then the next minute, we were walking to Taft Avenue under the unforgiving heat of the noonday sun, because we didn't have enough money to get on a jeep. How quickly did we morph back to our old, impoverished, plebeian selves!”
Still, we have so much to thank the Lord for. He knows just what we need.
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