Review: Jipan Japanese Bakeshop

My lunch today was at Jipan Japanese Bakeshop located at the Upper Ground Floor, Building A, SM Megamall. I learned of this place through Atty. Connie Veneracion's blog where she wrote:
Some restaurants we try out of curiosity. If we don’t like the food or the service, or if the prices are way out of proportion with the quality of the food, we don’t go back. If we like the food, service and price, the restaurant becomes a habit. Jipan is one those habits. 
I dragged Manong Ralph with me, and it was a first time for both of us. What almost always happens is that I research interesting places to eat, while he pays the bills. That happened today.

Jipan is a small, unassuming restaurant, with about four or five tables. The place was quiet when we came in, probably because it was a holiday, and people were at home in the provinces, visiting their dead. The waitress patiently guided us through the menu, consisting mostly, but not exclusively, of Japanese food. 

jipan, japanese bakeshop at sm megamall

There were a number of bread preparations to choose from, and the prices were reasonable. I was told the bread here tastes way better than they have at BreadTalk. I was about to find out.


Manong wasn't hungry and ordered tuna sashimi.

tuna sashimi at jipan

I got the Apple and Ham Sandwich Served in Monroe Bread.

apple and ham sandwich in monroe bread

I shrieked in delight when I took my first bite. Ham and apples together? It was my latest gastronomic discovery, as life-changing as the lemon Coke — Coke served with slices of lemon, admixed with crushed ice — I drank at Waying Restaurant in Binondo two days ago.

apple and ham sandwich in monroe bread

We were stuffed and happy.

photo photo

I didn't want to leave without trying out the bread, so I got a piece of the Green Tea Croissant. Blew my mind.

green tea croissant

Total cost of the meal: less than Php 500. We'll be back to try out the other stuff in the menu.

As an aside, I really praise God for His providence. Come to think of it, the good food set on the table, the capacity of my tongue to savor and enjoy these flavors, the molecular mechanisms that the GI tract performs to make use of the nutrients for my well-being — all these have been made possible by Him.

*  *  *

After lunch we went to Booksale and found an autographed, hardbound The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon for Php 170. Unbelievable.

My brother is upstairs, reading, ready to hurl me out of the room if I attempted to distract him.

the yiddish policemen's union by michael chabon photo


  1. I knew JiPan was a good place when I passed by the Glorietta branch; it was right next to another, more impressive Japanese restaurant but had more customers. I like the seafood salad. :D

  2. They have a Glorietta branch! I hope to eat there again, if time permits.

  3. I miss the old Jipan at Glorietta. It had a more cozy place. They took out a lot of my usual favorites in their new menu and flavor has changed...sorry to say, it has become less authentic. And I miss seeing the petite Japanese lady every Wednesdays.


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