The Greatest Medical Mission of All Time

Abby Ortal and I co-wrote the script for the mini-skit that was presented during the Agape Freshman Orientation. We wanted not just to introduce our organization, but to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, a message that has transformed our lives. We're thankful for Pito Magno's idea, which we adapted. He earlier reworded the gospel message for the promotional brochure so that medical students could easily relate to it.

I'm still uploading the amateur video in Youtube.

We thank the Lord for using this presentation to effectively share His good news to some sixty medical students (about forty of whom where freshmen). And until now we are still overwhelmed by God's provisions; He has seen us through the entire preparations, from our finances, to the nitty-gritty details about the icing and toppings of the cupcakes. All glory belongs to Him alone.

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Consultant and three medical students discuss a medical case in a small group discussion. The environment is highly intellectual and impersonal. The students are detached from the case. The consultant gladly listens to their reports.

Consultant: All right, let's hear it.

Student 1: The patient is Mark Martinez, 24 years old, from Cavite. His chief complaint: rebellion against God, also known as a deadly chronic disease called sin. Do I now proceed with the history of present illness, Sir?

Consultant: Bago 'yan (Before going any further), perhaps you could say a few words about God. Then you can proceed with the entire history.

Student 1: I see, Sir. God created the world, from the gross anatomy down to the finest molecular interactions. He is omnipresent (that is, ever-present), omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipotent (all-powerful). He is loving and compassionate. He is also just. But the crowning glory of all His attributes is His holiness. He cannot tolerate sin, and He, consistent with His character, must punish it with death—eternal and spiritual death.

The History of Present Illness. Since childhood, Mark has demonstrated being bloated with pride, inflamed with rage, and green with envy. At home he doesn't obey his parents. He has cheated in school. He has lied to his friends and family. At one point, while in college, he envied his friend's girlfriend. These are, of course, a few of the other external manifestations, which come in grossly visible or very subtle forms.

Consultant: And all these classic signs are indicative of what?

Student 2: The Sin Syndrome, Sir. Mark has exhibited the classical manifestations of the Sin Syndrome, the criterion of which is the failture to perfectly obey at all times all of the Ten Commandments that God gave. This failure is reflected in thought, word, or deed. And the Bible, our chief and most trustworthy diagnostic tool for the human condition, indicates that the Sin Syndrome is not only an external problem; it is chiefly internal. The hallmark of the disease is man refusing to submit to God and therefore ultimately rebelling against Him.

Student 3: I'd like to say something about the epidemiology of this syndrome, Sir, if that's okay.

Consultant: Sure, sure, go ahead. This should be interesting.

Student 3: Everyone born to human parents is afflicted with this disease, Sir. Which makes the disease prevalence in the world population 100%. The Bible records the first documented case of sin: in the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve disobeyed God's commandments to not eat the forbidden fruit. Since then the disease has been transmitted through heredity: all men and women are born sinners and have an innate tendency to sin. The disease manifests in various forms. Sadly without treatment, the case fatality ratio of Sin Syndrome cases is 100%.

Consultant: That sounds very bad nga. What's the prognosis?

Student 3: Eternal damnation, Sir, which also entails eternal separation from the Creator. The Bible reports that God will punish sinful men and women with eternal death in a place called Hell.

Consultant: So, given our patient’s condition, what treatment would you prescribe?

Student 2: Some studies suggest that good deeds are effective, but the results are inconclusive. Maybe our patient could take up Medicine and become a doctor so he would be able to help other people.

Consultant: How about you, Student 3?

Student 3: Sir, the Bible is not only a diagnostic tool but also a therapeutic one. I recommend reading the Bible everyday.

Student 1: Everyday? The patient might have problems with compliance. I think going to church every Sunday is more effective especially because compliance wouldn’t be as much of an issue.

Student 3: But being in church also involves reading the Bible, which means it’s an essential component of treatment for this condition.

Student 2: Both of those are self-directed, whereas good deeds have the advantage of being beneficial to other people as well.

Consultant: All right, all right, those are all good thoughts. But none of those will work. Our own doings will always result in treatment failure.

(All three students look at each other, surprised and confused.)

Consultant: There is only one definitive cure, and that is Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus came down to earth in the form of a man and lived among men. Despite being exposed to the sinful environment, He was not afflicted with the disease. But even though He remained blameless, He suffered the sequelae of man’s sin and endured a humiliating death on the cross.

The efficacy of this treatment had been demonstrated 2000 years ago, when Jesus rose again from the dead. Now everyone who believes in Jesus will be healed from the chronic disease of sin, with an excellent prognosis of an eternal life.

Student 2: Eh, pano 'yan, Sir. Kunware (What happens if) the patient already believes in Jesus Christ. What happens to him?

Consultant: He is given a new nature. God breathes new life into his soul. When we review the case, we notice that all his life the patient has been chronically incapacitated to obey God's commands because of his soul's dire condition. After having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and repenting of his sins, God will empower our patient to obey live for Him and obey His commands, as a child would to his own father. God has so many promises in store for those who have faith in Him.

I want you to understand that this treatment is free and is available to everyone; Jesus had already paid the full price for it. Yet a lot have refused the treatment because it is difficult to swallow. It produces adverse reactions with human nature, especially with human pride. But once a patient is presented with it, the choice has to be made: to accept it, or to refuse it.

What I want you all to understand is that this is not just a paper case. This is reality, and that patient could be you. How, then, would you choose?


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