
Take this cup away

A few hours from now—it's 2 am as I write this—Agape will host its freshman orientation treat. Everyone from the College of Medicine is welcome, not just the freshmen, so please, please come and drop by if you've got nothing else to do after class.

There's going to be a mini-skit so reminiscent of med life (which you will enjoy) and a short overview of what Agape does. Cupcakes will be served after that. You can design your own cupcakes, add toppings on them, to your hearts' content.

I've just finished drafting my talk for this event, and before I hit the hay, I just want to share how the Lord has been so faithful in our preparations. He has provided for our needs, raised up people to head some crucial tasks—and it's amazing how God can carry out His purposes despite sinful people like us.

See you at 5 pm, Room 105-107, Paz Mendoza Building, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines. I'm excited.


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