Week 25: Typhoon Falcon

week 25 (view from balcony)

week 25 (72 theatre)
week 25 (bald fellow) week 25 (infectious disease)
week 25 (break time)
week 25 (typhoon falcon) week 25 (chicken all you can)

On the second week of class, tropical storm Falcon arrived, bringing with it torrential rain showers that flooded Metro Manila. Even our campus wasn't spared. While it was raining outside, we were stuck inside the Class 1972 Theatre, listening to lectures on Infectious Diseases. It didn't help that we were talking of Leptospirosis which only added to my classmates' anxiety of wading in the flood.

My Pharmacology research group, which happens to be the 20-membered block I'll be rotating in the hospital with, also had a dinner meet-up. It was to celebrate the birthdays of some of our groupmates, and to wish Marvyn Chan and Lennie Chua well as they represent our group in a research conference in Hong Kong next week. We ate at Max's, where the Chicken All-You-Can promo was on-going. After that, we went to Lee-Ann Caro's condominium for more bonding time and wine-tasting.


  1. Hi, Lance. Hope you're warm and dry.

    For the balcony shot, did you simply stitch the photos together, or do you use a special program to do it automatically? Do you purposely keep the differences in lighting? Just curious. :)

    I use Hugin, but then it would smooth out the lighting and wouldn't produce the same effect as the above.

  2. Hi, Kat. I manually stitched photos to create the effect. It's a crude composite, but I like the raw-ness of it. No, I don't alter the lighting, at all. Some photos are dark just because the camera was in auto-adjust mode when used.

    Hugin looks really interesting.

    Do take care!


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