Anna Karenina, rooftops—ah, it must be summer break

I spent most of the day at home, alternating between designing the camp kit for the church's upcoming summer youth camp and reading Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, a thick book I'm thoroughly enjoying because Russians are such interesting people—and, believe it or not, reading a chapter is like watching an episode of soap opera. So if you like the present adaptation of Mula Sa Puso, you'll like this one better.

Consider the following passage where Anna Karenina speaks to her lover, Vronsky:
"All is over," she [Anna] said; "I have nothing but you. Remember that."

"I can never forget what is my whole life. For one instant of this happiness . . ."

"Happiness!" she said with horror and loathing and her horror unconsciously infected him. "For pity's sake, not a word, not a word more."
It helps that I'm using the iPod's iBook application, a free program I recently discovered and enjoyed. All this saps the device of its battery. Reading is still better with the Kindle, I suppose, but this Apple product isn't too bad. It's still kinder to the eyes than reading from a laptop screen.

Later in the afternoon, I went to the rooftop to continue the ebook. It was about 5:30 pm. It was then that I beheld the glorious Manila sunset, something people here hardly see because of the stresses of daily life. Here are some panoramic shots, taken from all directions. Praise God for His wonderful creation.

From my rooftop

From my rooftop

Manila, from my rooftop


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