All set to the Netherlands

Today I'm flying to the Netherlands to present our A(H1N1) paper at the Leiden International Medical Students Conference (LIMSC). My flight is at 8pm, I'll have a two-hour stop-over at Hong Kong, and I should be in Amsterdam by 6am tomorrow.

This is my first trip to Europe (and abroad), and I'm excited. I know the Dutch are the tallest people in the world, so I have a feeling I'll look like a midget there—I am, after all, small even for Filipino standards.

The organizers have informed me that I am the sole representative of the country. I don't pressure myself unnecessarily. If they ask me hard questions after the presentation, I'll just say, "Mabuhay kayong lahat," and flash them the Pilipinas Kay Ganda smile.

I've finished packing my conference clothes that should last me for four days, and I'm all set to go.

Before I leave, I'd like to thank the UP College of Medicine, especially Dean Alberto Roxas, and the UPMASA, especially Drs. Ofelia Bernabe and Fe Lacbawan (Baltimore-Washington Chapter), for graciously agreeing to sponsor this trip.

Please pray that God grant me safety, direction, and an awfully great time in Europe.

Here's a photo of the great Manila sunset to remind me of home.


  1. Ingat ka dun Lance!! Reprezzeeeent hahahaha >:D<

  2. kuya, take care... pasalubong.. :D mike

  3. Make us all proud, lance!! halong ka guid didto!!!
    God bless you!

  4. go, lance! ^_^

    ingat. enjoy! :)

  5. Welcome to the Netherlands!

    I hope you will feel 'at home' here, so far away from where you come from.
    The Dutch are good people, as you will find, I'm sure (but, as everywhere, there are some ....).

    I have no idea what and why you are here, it has to do with influenza I understand. Very interesting, to look at the 'how to think' of virusses. Of course, science, medical, knowledge and the physical stuff is one thing. But, what *are* they? This has intreaged me. I (long time ago) did study microbiology. Fascinating field. Have you read the book 'the coming plague' (by Laurie Garrett)?

    You will find that we are not that tall after all (I'm 174 cm) :-). But up in the north of this small flat country people are somewhat taller. I used to have schoolfriends of more then 2 m! with shoe-size of 48 (european size)!

    Found your site in relation to the keyword 'detox' of the brain (google is very usable in all kinds of ways)
    ... I was looking for some references on the internet concerning this subject. I am writing a blog (sorry, all Dutch) about all kinds of things, and todays blog got born around the concept of ideas forming, how this happens, when, why, what to doe with them, 'you always get what you set out to get' , etc. Quite an inspiring subject really. The blog is also intended to trigger NEW stuff, in me, in others, and does tickle the brain.
    Life is all about Attitude really.
    A wonderful reference is or This music actually *does* detox the brain. ... try it. These folks are dear friends of me, and very good (take a tour).
    O, yes, they are Dutch as well!

    If you want, you can visit my site It is all Dutch, but I'm sure I can do stuff in English if there are requests (leave a message). :-)

  6. well this postservice seems to not work well

    I did write a message to you and gave some idea about the Netherlands, but it seems 'gone' in cyberspace.
    I'm not going to write it all again, all I wanted to say really
    Welcome to the Netherlands!
    The Dutch ar not THAT tall, it does happen up in the North
    I was looking with goole on 'detox' and found your site ...
    Look at or you may find it interesting (seeing your music-interest) Also this music actually *does* work.

  7. Good luck and God bless on your trip, Lance! Cool. PH represent, yo! :)

  8. yay! :) go lance-lot! -aa


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