Nasally endowed

If you're a friend in Facebook, you must've wondered why my profile looks like it does. Here's the story.

We had a small group discussion (SGD) for the otorhinolaryngology module. Big word, I know. Roughly, all that means is "ears, nose, and throat."

Now Dr. Hernandez was demonstrating the proper use of a nasal speculum. It's an instrument used to open up the nasal passages so the doctor can see if there's anything obstructing inside. Kids are prone to sticking in beans or candies in their noses, so the device really helps in medical practice.

He asked for volunteers to demonstrate the correct way of doing a nasal exam. My classmates—these wretched creatures I call my friends—volunteered me without hesitation. The rallying cry: "Si Lance na lang, Sir. Widescreen na, high definition pa."

My grandmother, Gloria Catedral, would be so proud; the nose came from her part of the DNA.

Here are pictures.

That's MJ de Jesus, himself nasally endowed, poking through my nose.

Carlos Cuano looks on. He'd later call me "a blabbermouth with a large nose." Quite appropriate, really.  Next time I see him, I shall issue threats of trapping him in my sinuses by virtue of my superior nasal suctioning system.

This is forced seriousness. I'm in my element here. Now you know what my best asset is. How much is insurance?

(HT: Rickman Carino and Glaiza De Guzman)


  1. Hehehe this is hilarious :-) you should have charged them an hourly fee that befits the size of your, um, endowment.

  2. That'll make me the richest guy on the planet, Jweffie.


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