Great reads on

It's almost amusing because just this week, the June issue of UP Medics, the official student publication of the UP College of Medicine, was released. Delayed printing due to delayed funding—these things always happen. It's a problem of the Third World.

But that didn't keep us from sharing with you stories that empower, educate, and inspire. We have a website,, to bridge the time—and financial—divide. It's a work in progress, many thanks to Jay Magbohos, who does the nitty gritty details with the web design, and Arianne Agdamag, our gracious editor-in-chief, whose vision for the publication—be it in what form—is noble and something that I believe in, too.

I work as UP Medics' news editor, along with Marivic Mapa. In our September issue, we feature:
Among my favorite articles thus far is the interview of the medicine board topnotchers from UP written by Macy Dollete. Here they dish out interesting tips on how they studied. One of them writes:
I imposed a schedule for each subject and made it a point to abide by it. Even if I’m still not done with a subject, I moved on to the next subject in my schedule once the time I allocated for that subject is over. But even so, by mid-July, my backlog of unfinished reviewers was enormous and, by the look of things, will just keep on piling up. At that point, I decided to stretch myself to the limits of my endurance; I was already studying for close to 16 hours a day, juggling my time between the scheduled subject for that day and the backlogs I needed to finish. It was so much of an uphill battle: my body badly wanted to give up, but my mind kept on defying what my body was saying.
Now that's motivation. Oh, and here's a trivia: two of them plan to go to neuro.


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