The Bar

Rarely does the Bar Exam not take its toll on the people who take it. The test is tough, long, and tiring. Passing is the lowest among the licensure exams in this country, which explains the hype that surrounds the process. With the hype inevitably comes the pressure.

My brother is taking the Bar for the next Sundays of September. It started yesterday.

My father's here to support him, cook his favorite meals, and cheer him up.

Despite the stress that have come with it, he has been encouraged by the prayers and concern of people. Yesterday in church, so many friends asked how Manong was doing. They told me they included my brother in their prayers. When I visited his apartment at one point, I met my law student friends, Paul and Rashel, who volunteered to quiz him. Over lunch today, my med school classmates asked me how he fared; they haven't even seen him. What an overwhelming show of support.

But the greatest encouragement, I think, from which Manong derives his strength is the Lord's faithfulness. May he look unto Jesus with childlike faith as he takes the exam that would change his life forever.


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