The breakfast table

Again I've found a beautiful prayer when I visited Pastor Scotty Smith's blog this morning. The prayer is called The Prayer About the Gospel for Breakfast.

It quotes Psalm 143:8, "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul."

And it begins with these words:

Dear heavenly Father, I cannot conceive of a better way to begin every day than feasting on the gospel. Lay the big breakfast buffet out before me… give me the choice of any and every delicacy imaginable… and I’ll choose words of your unfailing love for me in Jesus, every time.
I agree with this wholeheartedly. In prayer, the person sets himself in the humblest position before a holy God, as if saying, "Let Your will, and not mine, be done." Every morning, the Christian must ask for grace and strength in his daily affairs, wisdom in matters he will be attending to, and joy in carrying out his reponsibilities.
Personally I find early morning devotions the most profitable. I would wake up earlier than most people do, read a passage in the Bible systematically, summarize what I've just read through journaling, and contemplate on how I'm going to apply these truths for the day.

This isn't an easy habit to keep, especially during days when there's so much to do—like an exam at 8 in the morning. I would postpone my prayer time to give way to cramming and end up not praying at all.

For this school year—arguably the hardest in UP Medicine—I pray that God would cause my heart to seek Him above all else, and that includes coming to His breakfast table and feasting on His Word, regardless of whether I have an exam or a walk in the park for the day.


  1. What a beautiful ritual, Lance. And thank you for sharing your morning prayer. I'm printing it out and placing it on my bedside before I sleep tonight. :)

  2. It's so encouraging, isn't it? That's great, Mind.


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