Holiness in a godless world

Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and RootsJ. C. Ryle's Holiness, a Christian lit classic, has been a blessing to me. The book is a compilation of his meditations and preachings on Scripture. He argues that the reason why the Christian church is weak is that people have weakened in their pursuit for holiness. Today it's the same story.

He anchors holiness in Jesus Christ and what He has done on the cross for sinners. No one can truly be holy unless he has Christ. Ryle then goes on to explain what holiness is. He points out that saving faith in Jesus must translate into practical holiness. In three chapters, he explores the examples of Moses, Lot, and Lot's wife to demonstrate how it is to be holy in a godless world.

Ryle writes in simple language, and very systematically at that, since the book's format is like an expanded outline. He also writes passionately, exhorting, in the boldest of words, the believer to self-examination, obedience, and love for the Savior.

I highly recommend Holiness, such a refreshment for the soul!


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