Don't waste the blackouts

Before I went home I was forewarned of the daily blackouts, recurring intermittently and amounting to almost 12 hours.

That's easier said than experienced, mind you, especially when the power losses happen after lunch time, and the heat is so terrible you get dehydrated by simply sitting on your couch.

Last night, the power was cut off around 9 pm. I was restless. I couldn't sleep. We have huge windows at home, so we opened them because it was so hot, but there was hardly any breeze coming from the outside.

And then I knew it: I ought to make the most out of these blackouts! I grabbed my Bible, then read and meditated through the first chapter of Jeremiah. What a blessed experience it was to talk to the Lord. The silence and the dark were ideal for prayer. There were fewer distractions, too.

There are many worthwhile things I can do during brownouts: reading Scripture for longer periods of time, reading other books, playing with shadows, playing games with Sean and my cousin Hannah, and keeping still and quiet. I would have a hard time choosing to do these things with the electricity on.

These blackouts will continue to happen until the end of the year, just about the time when the power plants recover. You see, it hasn't been raining much, and the the El NiƱo weather disturbance has drastically cut these plants' generating capacities.

While the power remains unstable, let's use these blackouts for the glory of God.


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