Writing from home

The heat is terrible, and the fact that Koronadal City is closer to the Equator doesn't help at all. Because of the Mindanao power crisis, there are recurring power shutdowns. Here we experience brownouts twice a day, three hours each. It's unbearable, the heat, not to mention the inevitable boredom that goes with the sudden uselessness of otherwise entertaining electrical devices.

Knowing this, I brought additional books to finish this break. They are:
I have yet to write reviews of the books I've read so far; I hope to post them as soon as I feel like writing them.

Just hours after we had arrived from the airport, it rained. It feels much cooler now.

Ah, it feels great to be back!


  1. I've read Bridge to Teribithia, not because I was interested. It's an assigned reading for Kumon students where I used to work as a tutor, so I need to have an idea what it's all about.Haha! The movie adaptation is quite good too!


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