Celebrating the Lord's mercy and grace for twenty-three years

I tried something new today: instead of the usual birthday blog entry I would usually write (read my entries when I turned 20, 21, and 22 years old), I made a video. It's a bit rushed, it looks rather amateurish, and, when you choose to waste—I'm not kidding—two-and-a-half minutes of your life going through it, you'll hear the annoying beeping noise whose source I haven't pinpointed yet—it must've have been the built-in mic.

Here's to praising God for yet another year of He has added in my life.


  1. kuya lance! i totally forgot to greet you... I know its not a decent excuse... I'm very grateful to have known you, and my prayer is that more and more people may see Christ in you! :D mike t.

  2. Oh, don't worry too much about it, Mike. Our friendship is officially over. Haha. Kidding. Okay lang na, ah. Praise God. I hope our lives as Christians will truly magnify our Savior, Jesus Christ.

  3. Kuya Lance! Belated happy birthday! Super late:) Advance greeting na lang for next year:D

    Please continue to bless the world with your wonderful writings. I always get inspired when I drop by your blog:)

    Ella L.


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