Youth Sunday

I haven't mentioned this lately, but we've been rather busy preparing for the Youth Sunday. We haven't done that in a long time; I was still in high school when the last of its kind was held.

In a nutshell, it's an entire Sunday service where members of the Youth ministry will do practically everything: the ushering, worship leading, and leading the prayer time. Kuya Lito, our youth pastor, is preaching instead of Pastor Bob.

It's amazing how the preparations for this event have made me realize the commitment of people in church who make our Sunday gatherings look breezy. Although there are occasional glitches, like an unresponsive projector, everything seems to go on smoothly. The reason, I now realize, is these people's hardwork, a result of their passion for God's glory.

The hardest jobs are those done in the background. And when they're done excellently, they speak well of the people who've labored for the task. So thank you.

I'm leading the prayer time this Sunday. For the past few days, I've ruminated on possible outlines for my 15-minute talk. I'm writing them down now, so I'd like to covet your prayers. May Jesus Christ alone be exalted, may He hide me behind His cross, and may I be of service to the Lord as I step on that stage: I, a wretched sinner.


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