Overnight getaway

I trooped to Pansol, Calamba City, Laguna with friends from church for the youth outing. A most refreshing getaway it was!

Kuya Lito exhorted on 2 Timothy 2:22, emphasizing the importance of accountability and one-anotherings. He zeroed in on the fact that Christians must pursue righteousness, faith, peace, and love together. That's God's amazing design.

We spent our Fridays and Saturdays wading in the pool, eating with bare hands, playing Risk (that amazing game Kito and Koji introduced that brought out the pride in us), and getting to know each other more.

During our group discussions, we were each asked to share our testimony. If we were to be accountable to one another, we should at least know how we came to a saving knowledge of the Lord. I was praising God for His miraculous work in my friends' lives.

On the way home that afternoon, Koji's vehicle took a sharp turn. It probably bumped upon something sharp. A tire was severely deflated. It was a good thing Koji had a spare. The people who saw us on the street were so generous they offered us a lending hand replacing the wheel, never hesitating to get their hands all dirty.

Finally, we took off, and heavy traffic—at least, in some areas—greeted us. But we had a great time talking and sharing in the car. We arrived in Quezon City unscathed at about past eight.

Next stop: Pagudpud. But I'm kidding, in a how-I-wish-that-would-happen kind of way.


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