
For the past days eight days, I've been posting eight things that made me happy. I haven't exactly been consistent, but the exercise led me to the discipline of looking back at the day with gratefulness at even the minor things I'd often take for granted.

Here's the list for today:
  • The chance participate in The Moleculympics.
  • Arielle's Immunology book whose parts I had photocopied.
  • The restful siesta.
  • The Biblical manhood conference at Higher Rock. Pastor Mark Chanski was a blessing.
  • My cell cultures.
  • The song, "This Is Not A Love Song" that we composed.
  • Sumptuous dinner at Ayala TechnoHub
  • The Timezone experience with Biji, Kuya Francis, Checa, and Juanchi
But what truly makes a happy man?

The Bible is clear: the confession and forgiveness of sins (Psalm 32:1,5) because of the vicarious death of Christ in the cross (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Life centered in and lived for our Lord Jesus is filled with goodness and joy. May you find that joy in Him as well.


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